Ways to Control the Sweating Problem

Sweating is an automatic process that helps to manage a person’s blood heat. Heavy sweating is a very real and embarrassing problem, but there are some effective ways totreat it. Before you hide under bulky sweaters or move to a chillier climate, you'll try these proven techniques for combating excessive sweating.

Avoid Sweat-Inducing Foods

The first step to reducing sweat is to observe what you eat.

·     Peppers, chilis, and curries: These foods contain capsaicin, which can trigger receptors in the mouth to tell your nervous system that you are hot, and then your brain sends a signal to your sweat glands to cool you down.

·    Sugar: Candy, cake, ketchup, barbeque sauce, and other high-sugar foods can spike blood sugar, boost insulin production, and promote sweating in sensitive individuals.

·      Simple carbs: Bread, pasta, and other simple carbs are quickly weakened into glucose and are within the same boat as sugar.

·   Processed foods: Fried foods and transfer fats contain preservatives and other unhealthy compounds which will promote sweating.

·     Salty foods: Excessive sodium from salty foods can lead to electrolyte imbalances. Ultimately, the sole thanks to restoring balance is to extend fluid. Output, which means more urinating and increased sweating. Try to keep your sodium consumption to 4 grams.

·   High-protein meals: Eating an excessive amount of protein at just one occasion can generate tons of thermogenic heat and trigger sweating.

·  Caffeine: Coffee and energy drinks can increase sweating by triggering our bodies fight or flight response.

Using antiperspirants

People who sweat excessively should avoid using deodorants, which merely mask the smell of sweat. People should instead search for antiperspirants, which may reduce sweating. The best time to use an antiperspirant is at nighttime.

Some doctors recommend using prescription antiperspirants on dry underarms nightly for 3 to five nights. People may then be ready to reduce prescription antiperspirant use to once or twice every week.

Wait between showering and dressing

After you shower, wait a couple of minutes before you dress for the day. This is especially important if you take hot showers or live in a hot, humid climate. Allowing your body to become cool and dry before you set on clothes could help prevent your underarms from sweating right after you bathe.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water and eating foods with high water content can keep your body cool and prevent excessive underarm sweating.

Wear breathable, loose-fitting clothing

Wearing tight clothes especially clothes that are snug beneath your arms can cause underarm stains on your shirt. They can also make you sweat more. Instead, try wearing fabrics that are breathable and garments that fit more loosely. This will allow your underarms to cool properly and could help prevent them from sweating and staining your clothes.


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