Money Motivates


Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant, truly said by P.T.Barnum because When your wallet has enough money, the life will become smooth and painless for you and when it is empty; surely you will face lots of trouble. You might have a vacation with your family on a beautiful island, can buy your favorite watch without thinking so much and so on, possible only when money is not a big deal for you, otherwise, continuous stress stays with you all the time. In short, acquiring anything; money is obvious. Therefore, people run after making more and more money in order to get optimum benefits and to spend a satisfactory life. For that reason, in workplaces money is used as an effective motivator to increase employ’s productivity and performance. Companies offer bounces, incentives, and extra-rewards to engage their people in working hard because they know financial obligations make people work day and night, even on weekends. It’s simple for them offering extra-money means workers put extra effort into their job. So, they simply announce extra-money along with salary to let their worker perform extraordinarily.  By this way, both parties grow. Organization its self gets profits and employees also have job satisfaction.

Money is the Foundation

Our life rotates around money because it is the foundation. So, the value and importance of money cannot be rejected. Nobody can claim life without money. Therefore, not only organizations or companies use the money to motivate their workers, but the educational institutes also put money in perspective. They strongly inject a theory in a student’s mind that good grades or high qualifications walk simultaneously with money. The more you put your effort into getting education the less you will see trouble while finding a suitable job for you. Especially, university students are encouraged by money a lot because they are the final product and soon they will be part of the society where money matters a lot. Therefore, they keep money on the top while motivating them to study hard. The essay writers in the United Kingdom provides materials for teachers and students money-related topics as well as other academia.

Money is Just a Tool, not Everything

However, money is a very strong place in our lives, but it is not everything. It is also seen that people give priority to self-respect and dignity over money. It happens because people have different mindsets. They accept to earn less but won’t compromise their values. Blindly, running after money can create an imbalance, because when money becomes everything; injustice, corruption, and other crimes take place. So, it’s important to tell people money is valuable but it comes after good moral and ethics. Want to know more about it, just sign up with essay writers in the United Kingdom.


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