Benefits for Manufacturing Plant Simulation

Simulation of the Assembly lines of the manufacturing plant will be a helpful tool as the changes that must be incorporated for the achievement of the industry’s goal would result in a halt in production with the inclusion of high cost. For this purpose simulation was done, to analyze the current, standard and future (proposed) states that would also give us the visual representation and statistical analysis helping us to better understand the system and analyze the proposed without real-world efforts. Other benefits for simulation are discussed below;

1.      Visualization of Wastes:

The reduction of wastes is one of the integral parts of the entire project. Through the simulation of the plant, we can identify multiple wastes by analyzing the simulated results and observation of the visualized interface of the plant. Wastes such as Motion, Transport, Inventory, and Waiting are more targeted as, visualization of the system not only helps in identifying them but, also provides alternative probable solutions.

2.      Comparison of Current and Standard state:

The Standard State as defined by the manufacturing system is what they see as the nearest possible state after the ideal state, considering limiting production parameters. Simulation has helped us in analyzing the deviation of the present state from the standard state. This comparison will help us understand what are the key areas which are most affected by production wastes, the workflow change in both states, labour utilization, etc.

3.      Productivity, Efficiency and Production Statistics:

Through the simulation of the assembly lines, we can determine multiple key production measures. These measures can also be calculated without simulation but, at the cost of a great time. By collecting some specific data from observations and engineering methodologies we can gather simulated results such as productivity, efficiency, WIP, blockage, utilization and other production statistics for current and future proposed states, with the latter being the primary purpose of simulation.

4.      Identification of Blind Spots:

During the observation phase of the project, it might have been possible that any parameter or probable future risk was never considered or its impact on the assembly line functionality or performance was not understood at that time. Through simulation, we can visually inspect the assembly line flow, WIP, layout, and other elements and we can also analyze the simulated results in much more detail which would highlight the unconsidered parameters with their impact in the performance of the assembly lines, thus indicating blind spots for potential risks.

5.      Analysis for Future Changes:

The implementation phase of the project is the most time and resource consuming aspect of many projects. This implementation has to monitor and compared with the expected result for which it was aimed at. With the help of simulation with the improved and proposed changes in the assembly line, we can analyze the Future state (improved) assembly line and its performance, efficiency and other production statistical measures, either through visual or quantitative analysis from the simulation platform. This helps save time, cost, and resources and prevents the production stoppage due to implementing changes. If you want to learn about software importance learn more from InstaDissertation.

To get more information about this particular topic student might need help from professional experts that can assist them properly. However, at times students face difficulties while drafting a masters dissertation on this subject due to the lack of information accessible on it.   



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