Humanoid robots are challenging mechatronics structures with several interesting features. Choosing a humanoid robot to develop applications or pursue research during a given direction could be difficult thanks to the strong interdependence of the technical aspects. These papers aim at giving a general description of this inter-dependence and highlight the lessons learned from the impressive works conducted in the past decade. The readers will find within the annexe a table synthesizing the characteristics of the foremost relevant humanoid robots. Without that specialized in a specific application, we consider two main classes of humanoid robots: those dedicated to industrial application and therefore the ones dedicated to human-robot interaction. The technical aspects are described in a way that illustrates the humanoid robots bridging the gap between these two classes.

Humanoid robots are complex mechatronic systems. As such, it is necessary to consider the mechanical structure, the computational system, and the algorithms as a whole and for a given application. The robot’s size, weight, and strength are important factors when designing its structure. Let us consider two general classes of applications: physical performances while doing motion generation and validation of biological and/or cognitive models. The ATLAS robot from Boston Dynamics is an example of the first category, while the Kaneshiro robot from Tokyo University is an example of the second category.

When the goal is to have a robot with walking speed performances around 2 to3km/h, the knowledge from walking robots such as HRPs robots from Kawada Industries or the LOLA a robot from the Technological University of Munich shows that there are two mechanical points to take into account the mass distribution one side and the undesirable mechanical resonances on the other. The last point implies to suppress compliance at the level of the joints and the links. For this reason, most of the humanoid robots are very rigid to achieve high precision control. When the human-robot interaction may be a major constraint during the planning phase, the control precision isn't the most objective. The security level necessary to allow physical interaction with a human is then obtained by introducing actuators with low power and flexible mechanisms in the transmissions, such as the one described in paragraph 3. There exist robot designs that try to synthesize several constraints with more specific objectives. For instance, the HRP-4 humanoid robotics lighter (39 kg) for the size of 1.5mwith 34 degrees of freedom (DoFs). This is the results of compact power electronics and a skeleton made from carbon fiber. The drawback is that the robot segments are more flexible and therefore the low power actuators limit the load that the robot can hold. A humanoid robot is the robots that can easily do any task which a normal human can’t do; learn more about the robots from InstaDissertation.



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