
Showing posts from February, 2022

Impact of Covid-19 on World Economy

Covid-19 is a virus that quickly spreads all over the world. After the first finding of this corona virus in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 the world has faced crisis in all aspects of life whether in education, tourism, health sector as well as economy. During the COVID-19 epidemic the world has faced drastic effect on economy.   As the infection increases preventive measures has been taken like area lock-downs, social isolation and Quarantine has effect the business .The large number of people has been affected from this disease so less people can work. As a result supply chains disrupted, productivity affected which results in business closures. Fear of this epidemic, job losses , income drop and the increased uncertainty results in more firm closures. All the above discussed factors have drastic impact on the global economy. Through commerce and the global value chain, these domestic disturbances affect trading partners. COVID-19 has had a smaller impact than the Great Dep...

Importance of Routine Balance for Students

  Balance is important for anything if you want to get stability in it. We need a balanced diet , we want to balance workload but usually, we ignore to take the balance on our routine. Daily routine means to get the balance in your activities and perform all of them equally. There are so many activities which we forget to do like sometimes we forget to do breakfast , sometimes we ignore the greeting with our family and friends, and sometimes we forget to get the things which our family said to get them. If we perform the root cause analysis for this issue we get the result that most of the peoples do not maintain balance due to time management and some of them forget to perform those particular activities. Now the question is, what will be the solution to this problem, and how to make a balanced daily routine. The first solution for the issue of time management is, the one should break his or her time in all the possible activities of the day. In this way, he or she easily does ...